Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Evil Things That I Have Forgot

1. Torturing ducks, (The duck pet from Bunnyhero Labs), because it's annoying when you torture it, and doesn't do anything. And is stupid. And... (this list could go on forever)

To torture the duck, click it. ↓

2. A box of chocolates that doesn't have that slip of paper that says what flavors the chocolates are

3. Stinky, moldy cheese

4. Tangled yarn

5. Things you can't read because they're in a different language


little e said...

it is evil to tell people how to torture the duck.

Evil Blogger said...

But it's fun to torture the duck.
so we shall share the fun with everyone!


Nova said...

I like ducks. Sort of. But it's fun to torture the duck.